HoverAid helps people living in remote areas in Madagascar.
HoverAid uses hovercrafts to reach isolated areas in Madagascar where people living in poverty need help in fighting diseases and malnutrition.
Process Engineer at Tauw; lives in Utrecht
I strongly support HoverAid because I would like to contribute to a long-term and sustainable assistance for the people of Madagascar.
Contact Bart: Linkedin
Entrepreneur and owner of Team Value
I am passionate about helping HoverAid in the coming years through funding and through my knowledge and experience. Thanks to Linkinpact this is possible.
Contact Anton: Linkedin
Enthusiastic consultant and researcher
The project HoverAid takes me beyond the sphere I am used to work in, but I truly like the challenge of being involved in such an influential area.
Contact Niek: info@Linkinpact.nl
We, as human beings, should learn to help each other more. This is the only way to create a better world.
Contact Paulina: info@Linkinpact.nl
What does HoverAid do?
HoverAid helps people living in remote areas in Madagascar.
HoverAid uses hovercrafts to reach isolated areas in Madagascar where people living in poverty need help in fighting diseases and malnutrition.
What does Linkinpact do?
Linkinpact is a social network of professionals coming from a variety of fields, such as marketing, communications, and technology. We work on a voluntary basis to support HoverAid financially and also to contribute to the development of their social work by investing our knowledge and expertise. The work of HoverAid is extremely important because through the use of hovercrafts they can reach isolated areas and execute medical safaris. I am passionate about helping this project and my family and a great deal of my friends support me and the cause. Linkinpact gives me the opportunity to get involved and directly connected with the social workers and the local people in Madagascar. For me this is the beauty of Linkinpact, together with the feeling when you see the actual results of our efforts having an impact on the local societies of Madagascar.
Linkinpact mediates between you and HoverAid?
Yes. Linkinpact ensures the interaction between us, the aid workers in The Netherlands, and locals in Madagascar. This happens only through volunteers. 100% of our finances goes for the support of HoverAid and the people of Madagascar.
Can you give an example of what you actually do?
Recently we had a meeting with one of the social workers that is part of the program in Madagascar. We had a discussion with him when he was back here in The Netherlands for a few days. This meeting was of a great value for us because he shared his experience with the local communities and the challenges they encounter.
We also hold occasional meeting with the team mainly through the use of social media (skype, facebook, online platforms) so that we continuously keep a track on our progress and plan our next tasks.
What would be the effects of the project in the longer term?
Currently we guarantee our support to HoverAid for three years. This means that they can count on our support for the medical safaris for this period of time. This is extremely important because those safaris provide not only medical care for local people, but they also introduce preventive educational programs to the locals. In addition the hovercraft is used for supplying people living in isolated areas of Madagascar with clean water and provisions. I am convinced that the medical safaries can be helpful in other parts of Madagascar, too. Our ambition here in Linkinpact is to contribute to the development of new ways to use the hovercraft , such as executing medical safaris where HoverAid is not yet active.
How can people get involved?
If you are interested in this project you are welcome to check our Fcaebook page and HoverAid’s videos on Youtube. Everyone is welcome to help. We invest our knowledge and experience to support the valuable work of HoverAid.